Saturday, October 29, 2005

Will Smile - Diamond Geezer



Yes, it’s me, at 54, King of the Trippers, Smartest of Spliffers, the Merlin of Marihuana and the Gandalf of Ganja! What a job, but I LOVE IT!
Yep….20 years toking and tripping and I still LOVE IT!
I am, though, truly worn out. No one in all history has ever partied so hard for so long. Leaving time approacheth. I’m exhausted. I can’t keep bluffing Eternal Youth.
This party animal just wants to curl up now by a home hearth. A wee bit of coddling and cuddling wouldn’t go amiss. I’m sure I can give at least as good as I get.
I think I’d like to tell my story on the internet. I’m sure it will come out easier in some kind of sensible order if it is being led by reader interest.
I adjure myself now: there will be no more dress rehearsals or second chances. At this stage, if in doubt leave it out. Less is more.
***Summer 1970, Jerbourg Point, Guernsey. The start of my life as a druggy musician and grail-seeker.


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